How did you spend your leap second? [CARTOON]

Phil Johnson
1 min readJul 3, 2015
Cartoon by Phil Johnson for ITworld

Here’s hoping everybody used the extra time this week wisely!

Hopefully, everyone realized that they gained a little extra time this week, when another leap second was added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) this past Wednesday. Even more hopefully, you used that extra free time to do something fun or relaxing. If you missed out, don’t worry, you should get another chance in a couple of years when the next leap second is added to the clocks (exact date and time TBD).

See more of my cartoons in ITworld cartoons 2015: The year in geek humor (so far)

Also by me this week on ITworld:

Engineering a better way to hire programmers

A new site where you can watch people code launches



Phil Johnson

Cartoonist. Former Dave Letterman joke writer. Yinzer. Proud girl dad, twice over. Beer drinker. Pizza lover. He/him.