Cartoon by Phil Johnson for ITworld

How you know it’s time to check your privacy settings

Google has made it easier for you to review — and be horrified by — what data you’re sharing with them.

Phil Johnson
1 min readJun 5, 2015


Earlier this week Google rolled out a new hub for managing all of your privacy, security, and account settings. Basically, it’s much easier now to review what data you’re sharingwith Google, whether you knew it or not. Be sure to take a look-see and review your settings before something, er, awkward happens.

See more of my cartoons in ITworld cartoons 2015: The year in geek humor (so far)



Phil Johnson

Cartoonist. Former Dave Letterman joke writer. Yinzer. Proud girl dad, twice over. Beer drinker. Pizza lover. He/him.